Rakstal door manufacturer

We specialise in the realisation of sliding gates and swing gates. Our portfolio includes gates for airports, factories, stadiums and farms with an entrance clearance of more than 20 metres. Thanks to our experience, we guarantee that we will find the best solution from an economic and technical point of view.

Mon-Fri: 7am to 3pm; 32-015 Kłaj; Stanisławice 266; Poland +(48)12-284-01-05 +48-602-470-870 biuro@rakstal.pl
Black sliding gate with vertical infill

Black sliding gate

For a long time we have noticed a trend among our customers to order black sliding gates. This preoccupation with a single colour is not surprising and seems to us to fit in perfectly with the prevailing architectural trends. Modern architecture, simple lines, monochrome colours and also simple forms of entrance gates and fences.
In our plant we prepare sliding gates to customer orders, which means that we match the size of the manufactured door to the opening and not the other way round. With us you can order a gate in any size. We also specialise in producing gates for corporate customers, for whom we produce really long and tall gates, so we know how to create a good and robust sliding gate.
Our recent realisations with black sliding gates show that the same gate colour but different infills will give the gate an individual character.

Black sliding gate with wooden infill - The infill is made of raw, straight boards, to be finished by yourself. The frame itself can also be ordered and the infill assembled in-house.

Black sliding gate with vertical infill - a lightweight, openwork gate that acts as a barrier to intruders but provides a view of the property

Black sliding gate with full sheet infill - maximum privacy solid entrance gate with infill to prevent entry into the property

Looking for a reliable black sliding gate manufacturer?
Call us! We will price the gate for you! ☎ 12-284-01-05 or write 📧 biuro@rakstal.pl